Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Would you pay $1700 for....

....laser hair removal??? So, yesterday I got an e-mail that I had won $300 for laser hair removal, but deleted think it was junk of course. Then I got a call from the same person, so OK... it was legit. Then they tell me if I go today they'll give me another $100 off. Sweet... So I go.

These people are friggen persuasive!!!! And the woman was slightly flighty. I'm pretty sure she gave me more savings than I was supposed to get but oh well. So for a grand total of $1700 I can have the hair permanently removed from my upper leg and my lip. Would you pay it???

I qualified for financing... 12 months, no interest.

Then of course, there's all the other costs I will have next year to think about... car, computer, books....

What to do? What to do?

Monday, June 23, 2008


Ok, here's something cool. I decided to create my own cake montage. I am rather proud of the cakes I make. I really want to take a class someday. I could almost see myself doing cake-making as a side job in my future.

This is my most recent cake, which I did as a tribute to Laura as she heads off to head the Appalachian Trail like a crazy person! Hiking for 6 months?! EEK! No thanks! Anywho.... the words said "Best wishes Laura! Don't get lost!" Hehehe!

Lightening McQueen, the love of all my children's lives, even though I like to think that would be me. Jonathan was more obsessed than most and was beyond excited about this cake. So was I!!! Took me forever, but so worth it.

This was for the SuperBowl, which I can't really talk about without getting choked up. So... just note the adorable cheerleaders along the side and we'll move on.

Funny story with this one. I had all intentions of making a Mater cake. That's a character from "Cars" aka. the Lightening McQueen movie, from all of you uneducated folk. But after about 30 minutes of searching for a good picture to attempt to recreate in frosting, I gave up and decided on Blue's Clues.... seeing as all I had was blue icing. The funny thing is, I don't think Cameron had ever seen a single episode of Blue's Clues in his life. He loved it anyway!

I've done a bunch more, mostly kids' cakes if you couldn't see that trend. I really want to get into fancier cakes. Wedding cakes someday...? Who knows. Perhaps!

New to blogging

Ok, so I'm not really sure I have anything very interesting to contribute to the world of blogging, but I though it might be an easy/different way to update people on my life. Especially all my loves in TX who I will be leaving soon. *tear* :-(

This week marks 4 weeks left in the countdown til the big move. Big week. Yesterday was my last Sunday teaching Children's Church. Had to say my first Casa good-bye today. That sucked! I was soooo not prepared for it. Sr. Rita leaves for her yearly vaca tomorrow and I'll be gone by the time she gets back. On a better note, Kara gets here Wednesday and Fri-Sun is the Red Sox vs. Astros series. Hope these Houston boys are ready for a good ass kicking! they'll be a beach trip in there too. YAY!

So people, how do I make this blog of any interest to anyone???